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The Myth Of “Being Everywhere” And The Smarter Path To Traffic

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I may make enemies of some of my fellow bloggers by saying this, but it has to be said…

The current best-practice idea that you need to “be everywhere” in order to build traffic is bad advice.

It’s bad advice because most people follow it at the wrong stage of their business development and lack the capabilities to pull it … Read the rest of this entry »

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3759 days ago
Very interesting!
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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City Hall, Chicago

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This Month in Photo of the Day: The Power of Photography

A garland of nature crowns Chicago's City Hall, softening the hard edges of a town famous for steel and stone—and lowering summer temperatures on the roof.

See more pictures from the May 2009 feature story “Up on the Roof.”

Cook is one of 11 photographers featured in our "Women of Vision" exhibit. See more pictures from the exhibit and hear from the curators on Proof.

Watch Cook and Jenshel explore colorful gardens at night »

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3927 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Lightning, Bay of Bengal

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This Month in Photo of the Day: The Stories Behind Your Shots

After an evening rain in Pondicherry, India, lightning continued to flash over the Bay of Bengal, here rimmed with the orange glow of nearby streetlights. Sandip Dey, a member of our photo community, wanted to make a dreamlike frame with the rough sea smoothed out to better showcase the drama of the sky. "I set the camera at f/16 and shot a few long exposure frames at 16mm," Dey writes. "Since I was making a single-exposure shot, I had to balance between the manual exposure duration and the amount of lightning that I wanted."

Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

Get tips on photographing weather »
See pictures of cloud-to-ground lightning »

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3953 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Café in Sorrento, Italy

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This Month in Photo of the Day: The Stories Behind Your Shots

A chapel's mural serves as "a splendid backdrop" for two men chatting at a café in the southern Italian city of Sorrento. "Luckily for me they were just as happy to be in my photo," says National Geographic Your Shot contributor Adelina Iliev, an architect turned photographer. "Architecture is a big theme for me," Iliev says. "It was a quick, intuitive snap."

Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

See more pictures from the Travelogue assignment »
Get tips on taking pictures of people in their environment »

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3981 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Saumur, France

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This Month in Photo of the Day: City Pictures

Photographer H. Armstrong Roberts captured this image of women sharing a conversation along the Loire River in Saumur, France, in 1928. Set in the Loire Valley, the city in western France is surrounded by vineyards and is home to several impressive chateaus.

Click through a gallery of vintage photos »

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3982 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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Wave Breaking, Oahu

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This Month in Photo of the Day: The Stories Behind Your Shots

To capture this photograph, Your Shot contributor Freddy Booth stood knee-deep in the water during sunrise on the northeast side of Oahu. "I started off capturing images from inside the barrel of the wave," Booth writes, "but once I saw how amazing the sunrise became, I switched to trying to get this angle."

Booth knew time was ticking on the lighting, but finally a wave came in just right. "This image taught me that my ego is not my amigo, and I should never pass up the little things in life."

Check out the bold new look and feel of Your Shot, where you can share photos, take part in assignments, lend your voice to stories, and connect with fellow photographers from around the globe.

See more pictures from the Catch the Light assignment »
Get adventure photo tips »

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3982 days ago
Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
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